
Webinar Replay – How to create recurring revenue

Fire The PPOs With These Proven Strategies!

Discover how to break free from the grip of PPOs and transform your practice into a thriving, profitable business. Imagine better cash flow, higher profits, and stronger patient relationships. It’s not a dream – it’s a reality waiting for you.

Say goodbye to PPOs and hello to a thriving, independent dental practice. Don’t miss out – your journey to financial freedom starts here!

P.S. Never worry about PPO restrictions again. Get your free eBook now and unlock the secret to a prosperous dental practice! The time to act is NOW!


How to Create Recurring Revenue For Your Practice


Do you want to improve your cash flow? Are you sick of working with insurance companies? Do you want to stabilize your practice finances? This webinar will teach you how to create a recurring revenue stream by offering a process-driven dental membership program.

Most dental practice owners are tied to the chair. When you stop seeing patients you stop producing income. If you set up a dental membership program correctly you can generate $10k/mo, $30k/mo, $50k/mo or more. It is now possible to create revenue streams while you are on vacation, spending time with family or spending time at a dental convention.

Join us on this live webinar and learn the following:

-Membership plans 101
-How to create a plan, fast
-The importance of recurring revenue/passive income
-How to grow a membership plan
– Case studies
– BoomCloud Demo

Download "The Million Dollar Membership Plan" E-book!

Learn tactics and strategies from practices that have built a million dollars in recurring revenue from their membership subscriptions alone! Creating a patient membership plan is the smartest strategy to implment in your practice. You will increase patient satisfaction & loyalty, Increase predictable recurring revenue & improve your case acceptence by 3X with members. Download the book Now!