
BoomCloud’s New Update!

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New Features

Whats up everyone! I am super excited to announce that we have released a brand new update for BoomCloud! Thank you so much for using BoomCloud, we appreciate you as a customer!

Here are some of the things you will find in our update:

The BoomCloud University: We have create educational courses to help train your team on creating and growing your dental membership program. These courses can be found on our website and also integrated into the BoomCloud application. I highly recommend that you and your team watch these training videos so that you can all be on the same page and understand how you can mange and grow your dental membership program

Online Training: We have created online training videos that help your team understand how to use BoomCloud in your practice. We will continue to update these videos as our platform changes and evolves, These videos are located in the upper menu in the BoomCloud Application

New Overall look and feel: BoomCloud has a new look! We have been working for months on this new design. This will allow you to easily navigate and use the software

Mobile friendly: BoomCloud is now mobile friendly, the software fits on small screens like smart phones and iPads. You can also easily save your Boomcloud account to your phone and use it as a mobile app. You can do this by logging into BooMCloud on your iphone and adding it to your home screen.

Checklist and Orientation: You will know be able to be guided on how to use BoomCloud with our online tour as well as our online checklists to help educate your team on what they need to get started.

Updated Navigation Sidebar Layout

Updated Member Details Page

Export Member Payment History to Printable PDF

Export all payments to Printable PDF

Updated Email Templates: We have customized the email templates and made them look more professional.

Updated Plans Page: We have made the plans listing page more esthetically pleasing and easier to register for your patients

Updated Member Signup Process: We have made this process easier to navigate. Patients can now see their plan pricing while they are signing up.

Updated Member Portal: The patient portal has been completely redesigned and make it easier for patients to view information about their plan.

Updated Support process: You can now send live chats, support tickets and research our knowledge base to find answers to questions you may have

I am excited to announce that throughout the next few months that we have a lot more to come! Our team has been working hard behind the scenes here and I am excited for the awesome new features that we will be releasing soon. These features will help you retain more membership patients, reduce credit card declines and make it easier for your team and patients to use Boomcloud. Thank you so much for your support and make sure if you have questions to reach out to our customer success team.

Rock on,

Jordon Comstock

Founder, CEO

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