
Why Dental Insurance Just Isn’t Worth It

Fire The PPOs With These Proven Strategies!

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Signing up for health insurance is a good idea, we all know that – but dental insurance is a little different. For some, it may not be as cost-efficient as we’d like.

Getting insurance seems like a no-brainer. Medical insurance, more often than not, saves you money in the short and long term. If your monthly premium is high, you’ll pay a lower deductible.

Dental insurance works a little differently. The cons to dental insurance are big and present. In some cases dental coverage won’t save you money at all, even if you’re getting dental care.

How can you save money on dental care without insurance? How much does dental insurance cost?

On average, Americans pay about $360 a year, or between $15 and $50 a month, for dental insurance. Costs will vary depending on your state.
Most plans come with a maximum annual benefit or coverage limit. This limit usually falls between $1,000 and $2,000. Unlike medical insurance, which covers costs after your bills reach the amount of your deductible, dental insurance cuts off coverage after your bills reach the annual limit. What you will end up paying is any additional costs out of pocket.

What if you’re retired with no access to dental insurance?

If you’re retired and no longer working, this is another great reason to consider a dental membership plan. Having a monthly or yearly plan you pay for in place, and also are able to have access to receive better care than what you would on a dental insurance plan – this is a no brainer.

Look into a dental membership program

Discount dental plans such as a dental membership program can give you the security of coverage without the cost. You’ll pay an monthly or annual fee and get a discount on average dental care prices. Unlike insurance plans, there are no annual caps or waiting periods.

If you have any questions on dental membership programs or Boomcloud, we can help your practice flourish with recurring revenue and give your patients an option to just dental insurance.

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Learn tactics and strategies from practices that have built a million dollars in recurring revenue from their membership subscriptions alone! Creating a patient membership plan is the smartest strategy to implment in your practice. You will increase patient satisfaction & loyalty, Increase predictable recurring revenue & improve your case acceptence by 3X with members. Download the book Now!