
How to Increase Dental Practice Multiples

Fire The PPOs With These Proven Strategies!

Discover how to break free from the grip of PPOs and transform your practice into a thriving, profitable business. Imagine better cash flow, higher profits, and stronger patient relationships. It’s not a dream – it’s a reality waiting for you.

Say goodbye to PPOs and hello to a thriving, independent dental practice. Don’t miss out – your journey to financial freedom starts here!

P.S. Never worry about PPO restrictions again. Get your free eBook now and unlock the secret to a prosperous dental practice! The time to act is NOW!

Increasing the value of a dental practice, often referred to as “dental practice multiples,” involves enhancing various aspects of the business to make it more attractive to potential buyers or investors. These multiples are influenced by factors such as recurring revenue streams, operational efficiency, marketing effectiveness, and the breadth of services offered. This article will delve into strategies to increase dental practice multiples, focusing on the impact of recurring revenue from membership plans, the benefits of dropping PPO plans, and the addition of new services like Botox and implants. Additionally, we’ll explore the importance of robust operational and marketing systems.

Understanding Dental Practice Multiples

Dental practice multiples are a financial metric used to value a dental practice. They represent a multiple of the practice’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA). Higher multiples indicate a higher valuation, making the practice more attractive to potential buyers.

Recurring Revenue from Membership Plans

What Are Membership Plans?

Membership plans are subscription-based offerings that provide patients with a range of dental services for a fixed annual or monthly fee. These plans typically include preventive care such as cleanings, exams, and x-rays, along with discounts on additional treatments.

How Membership Plans Increase Valuation

  1. Predictable Revenue Stream: Membership plans create a steady, predictable revenue stream, which is highly attractive to buyers. This recurring income reduces financial volatility and demonstrates the practice’s financial stability.
  2. Enhanced Patient Loyalty: Patients enrolled in membership plans are more likely to remain loyal to the practice. This loyalty translates into higher patient retention rates, which positively impacts the practice’s overall value.
  3. Improved Cash Flow: Membership plans often require upfront payments or regular monthly payments, improving cash flow management. A healthy cash flow indicates a financially sound practice, contributing to higher multiples.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Offering membership plans can differentiate your practice from competitors, attracting new patients who seek affordable and comprehensive dental care.

Implementing Effective Membership Plans

  1. Plan Design: Create plans that cater to different patient needs and budgets. Include essential preventive care and offer discounts on elective treatments.
  2. Marketing: Promote your membership plans through various channels, including your website, social media, email newsletters, and in-office signage. Educate patients on the benefits and savings offered by these plans.
  3. Staff Training: Ensure your staff is knowledgeable about the details of the membership plans and can effectively communicate their value to patients.
  4. Technology Integration: Use practice management software to track membership enrollments, payments, and renewals. Automate processes where possible to reduce administrative burden.

Dropping PPO Plans

The Drawbacks of PPO Plans

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans often require dentists to accept lower reimbursement rates for services, which can impact the profitability of the practice. Additionally, dealing with PPO paperwork and claim denials can be time-consuming and frustrating.

Benefits of Dropping PPO Plans

  1. Increased Revenue Per Patient: Without the constraints of PPO reimbursement rates, you can set your own fees, potentially increasing the revenue generated per patient.
  2. Reduced Administrative Burden: Dropping PPO plans reduces the amount of time and resources spent on managing insurance claims and dealing with denials.
  3. Improved Patient Experience: Patients may appreciate the simplified billing process and the transparency of knowing exactly what their treatment will cost.

Transitioning Away from PPO Plans

  1. Patient Communication: Clearly communicate the transition to your patients, explaining the benefits of the change. Provide alternatives such as in-house membership plans to ease the transition.
  2. Gradual Implementation: Consider phasing out PPO plans gradually to minimize patient disruption. Start by dropping the least profitable plans first.
  3. Focus on Value: Emphasize the quality of care, personalized service, and overall patient experience that your practice offers. Patients are often willing to pay more for exceptional care.

Adding New Services: Botox and Implants

Expanding Service Offerings

Offering new services such as Botox and dental implants can significantly increase the value of your practice. These high-demand services attract new patients and provide additional revenue streams.

Benefits of Offering Botox

  1. Increased Revenue: Botox treatments are highly profitable and can significantly boost your practice’s revenue.
  2. Attracting New Patients: Offering cosmetic services like Botox can attract a new demographic of patients who may also seek dental care.
  3. Cross-Selling Opportunities: Patients coming in for Botox treatments may be interested in other dental services, leading to increased case acceptance for dental procedures.

Benefits of Offering Dental Implants

  1. High-Profit Margins: Dental implants have high-profit margins and can substantially increase your practice’s profitability.
  2. Long-Term Patient Relationships: Implant treatments often require multiple visits, fostering long-term relationships with patients.
  3. Reputation Enhancement: Being known as a practice that offers advanced treatments like dental implants can enhance your reputation and attract more patients.

Implementing New Services

  1. Training and Certification: Ensure that you and your staff receive proper training and certification to offer new services safely and effectively.
  2. Marketing: Promote your new services through targeted marketing campaigns. Highlight the benefits and success stories of these treatments.
  3. Patient Education: Educate your existing patients about the availability and advantages of these new services. Use consultations, brochures, and digital content to inform them.

Operational Systems

Importance of Efficient Operational Systems

Efficient operational systems are crucial for the smooth running of a dental practice. They ensure that daily operations are streamlined, reducing waste and improving productivity.

Key Operational Systems

  1. Practice Management Software: Invest in comprehensive practice management software that handles appointment scheduling, patient records, billing, and reporting.
  2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Develop and implement SOPs for all aspects of your practice, from patient intake to sterilization procedures. This ensures consistency and quality across the practice.
  3. Inventory Management: Implement an inventory management system to keep track of supplies and reduce waste. This helps in maintaining optimal stock levels and controlling costs.
  4. Staff Training and Development: Regularly train your staff on new technologies, procedures, and best practices. A well-trained team is more efficient and provides better patient care.

Marketing Systems

Importance of Robust Marketing Systems

Effective marketing systems are essential for attracting new patients and retaining existing ones. A strong marketing strategy increases the visibility of your practice and enhances its reputation.

Key Marketing Strategies

  1. Online Presence: Maintain an up-to-date and user-friendly website. Optimize it for search engines (SEO) to attract potential patients searching for dental services online.
  2. Social Media: Use social media platforms to engage with your community, share educational content, and promote your services. Regular updates and interactions help build a loyal following.
  3. Email Marketing: Develop an email marketing strategy to keep your patients informed about new services, special offers, and dental health tips. Personalized emails can enhance patient engagement and retention.
  4. Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews online. Displaying testimonials on your website and social media can build trust and attract new patients.
  5. Community Engagement: Participate in community events and offer free dental health workshops or screenings. Being active in your community enhances your practice’s visibility and reputation.

The Success Story of SmileBright Dental: Transforming Through Membership Plans


In the bustling suburban town of Brooksville, SmileBright Dental, a family-owned practice, was facing the common challenges of declining patient retention and the burden of managing multiple PPO plans. Determined to turn things around, Dr. Emily Carter, the owner of SmileBright Dental, decided to implement a membership program. What followed was a remarkable transformation that not only stabilized the practice’s finances but also significantly increased its valuation multiples. This is the story of how SmileBright Dental signed up over 1,600 patients to a membership program, generating impressive Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), and how this success impacted their dental practice multiples.

The Launch of the SmileBright Membership Program

The Concept

Dr. Carter introduced the SmileBright Membership Program, designed to offer patients comprehensive dental care at an affordable monthly fee. For $40 per month, members received two annual cleanings, regular check-ups, x-rays, and discounts on additional treatments. The plan targeted uninsured patients and those dissatisfied with their current dental insurance.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Patient Communication: Dr. Carter and her team communicated the benefits of the membership program through newsletters, in-office flyers, social media, and personal conversations during appointments. The message emphasized affordability, comprehensive care, and the convenience of predictable costs.
  2. Staff Training: The entire staff underwent training to understand the details of the membership plan, enabling them to answer questions confidently and promote the program effectively.
  3. Technology Integration: SmileBright Dental invested in BoomCloud™ a robust membership software that automated sign-ups, renewals, and payment processing for the membership program, ensuring a seamless experience for both patients and staff.

The Results

Within a year, SmileBright Dental successfully enrolled over 1,600 patients in the membership program. This impressive uptake was driven by clear communication, excellent patient service, and the inherent value offered by the plan.

Financial Impact: MRR and ARR

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

With 1,600 patients paying $40 per month, the membership program generated significant Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR):

MRR=1,600 patients×$40 per patient=$64,000/mo

This steady stream of income provided financial stability, allowing Dr. Carter to plan for the future with greater confidence.

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) provided an even more compelling picture of the program’s impact:

ARR=$64,000 MRR×12 months=$768,000/yr

The ARR highlighted the substantial contribution of the membership program to SmileBright Dental’s overall revenue, offering a predictable and reliable financial foundation.

Impact on Dental Practice Multiples

Enhanced Valuation

The introduction of the membership program and the resulting MRR and ARR significantly enhanced SmileBright Dental’s valuation multiples. Valuation multiples are often based on the EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) of a practice. By generating substantial recurring revenue, SmileBright Dental improved its financial metrics, making the practice more attractive to potential buyers and investors.

Increased EBITDA

  1. Stable Revenue Stream: The recurring revenue from the membership program stabilized the practice’s income, reducing dependency on variable factors like patient visits and PPO reimbursements.
  2. Reduced Administrative Costs: By shifting focus from PPO plans to the membership program, SmileBright Dental reduced administrative burdens associated with managing insurance claims, improving overall operational efficiency.
  3. Higher Profit Margins: The membership program allowed SmileBright Dental to set predictable pricing, leading to higher profit margins compared to fluctuating insurance reimbursements.

Boosted Practice Value

Potential buyers and investors viewed SmileBright Dental more favorably due to its strong financial performance and stable recurring revenue. The membership program contributed to a higher EBITDA, which, when multiplied by the industry standard valuation multiple, resulted in a significantly increased practice value.

For instance, if dental practices in the region were typically valued at 5 times EBITDA, and SmileBright Dental’s membership program added $400,000 to the EBITDA:

Increased Practice Value=5×$400,000=$2,000,000

This considerable boost in practice value underscored the transformative impact of the membership program.

Additional Benefits and Long-Term Success

Improved Patient Retention and Satisfaction

The membership program fostered a sense of loyalty and commitment among patients. Members appreciated the consistent care and cost savings, leading to higher patient retention rates and increased satisfaction.

Competitive Advantage

SmileBright Dental’s innovative approach with the membership program set it apart from other local practices. This competitive advantage attracted new patients who were seeking value and predictability in their dental care.

Expansion of Services

The financial stability provided by the membership program allowed Dr. Carter to invest in expanding SmileBright Dental’s service offerings. The practice introduced new treatments such as cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics, further increasing revenue and attracting a broader patient base.

Staff Morale and Productivity

With a streamlined administrative process and stable financial outlook, staff morale and productivity improved. The team at SmileBright Dental was more focused on providing excellent patient care rather than dealing with insurance hassles.

The story of SmileBright Dental demonstrates how implementing a well-designed membership program can drastically increase a dental practice’s financial stability and valuation multiples. By enrolling over 1,600 patients in the SmileBright Membership Program, the practice generated substantial MRR and ARR, leading to a significant boost in its overall value. This success story highlights the importance of recurring revenue streams, patient-centric approaches, and operational efficiency in transforming a dental practice into a thriving, highly valued business.

Dr. Emily Carter’s strategic vision and commitment to innovation not only revitalized SmileBright Dental but also set a powerful example for other dental practices looking to enhance their financial performance and achieve long-term success. Through membership programs and other innovative strategies, dental practices can secure their future and maximize their valuation multiples, ensuring lasting growth and prosperity.


Increasing dental practice multiples involves a multifaceted approach that includes enhancing recurring revenue streams, strategically dropping PPO plans, adding high-demand services, and implementing robust operational and marketing systems. By focusing on these areas, you can significantly increase the value of your practice, making it more attractive to potential buyers or investors. Join of group of like minded dentists and learn from the industry’s best dental practice operators.

Membership plans offer a reliable and predictable revenue stream, fostering patient loyalty and improving cash flow. Dropping PPO plans can enhance profitability and reduce administrative burdens, while adding services like Botox and dental implants can attract new patients and boost revenue. Efficient operational systems ensure smooth daily operations, and effective marketing strategies increase visibility and patient engagement.

By implementing these strategies, you can position your dental practice for long-term success and achieve higher valuation multiples, ultimately enhancing your practice’s overall value and appeal in the marketplace.

Download "The Million Dollar Membership Plan" E-book!

Learn tactics and strategies from practices that have built a million dollars in recurring revenue from their membership subscriptions alone! Creating a patient membership plan is the smartest strategy to implment in your practice. You will increase patient satisfaction & loyalty, Increase predictable recurring revenue & improve your case acceptence by 3X with members. Download the book Now!