
How to Grow a Dental Practice & Retain Patients

Fire The PPOs With These Proven Strategies!

Discover how to break free from the grip of PPOs and transform your practice into a thriving, profitable business. Imagine better cash flow, higher profits, and stronger patient relationships. It’s not a dream – it’s a reality waiting for you.

Say goodbye to PPOs and hello to a thriving, independent dental practice. Don’t miss out – your journey to financial freedom starts here!

P.S. Never worry about PPO restrictions again. Get your free eBook now and unlock the secret to a prosperous dental practice! The time to act is NOW!

Growing a dental practice in today’s competitive environment requires a strategic blend of marketing, innovative service offerings, and patient-centric policies. To achieve sustainable growth, dental practices must focus on acquiring new patients while retaining existing ones. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective marketing strategies, the concept of self-liquidating offers, the importance of patient membership plans, expanding service offerings like Botox, and the critical role of increasing average revenue per patient by cutting out PPOs.

Marketing Strategies for Growing a Dental Practice

1. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is essential for any dental practice looking to grow its patient base. This includes:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website for keywords such as “How to Grow a Dental Practice,” “best dentist in [your city],” and “family dental care.” High-ranking content can attract potential patients actively searching for dental services.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Google Ads and social media ads can drive targeted traffic to your website. Ensure your ads highlight special offers or unique services.
  • Social Media Marketing: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to engage with your community, share patient testimonials, and promote new services.
  • Content Marketing: Regularly publish informative blog posts, videos, and infographics. Topics could include oral health tips, the benefits of certain dental treatments, and patient success stories.

2. Local SEO and Online Reviews

  • Google My Business (GMB): Optimize your GMB profile with up-to-date information, photos, and regular posts. Encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews, which can improve your local search rankings.
  • Online Reviews: Actively manage reviews on Yelp, Healthgrades, and other platforms. Respond to both positive and negative reviews to show that you value patient feedback.

3. Email Marketing

Build a robust email list and send regular newsletters that include appointment reminders, oral health tips, and special promotions. Personalized emails can also help in reactivating dormant patients.

4. Community Engagement

Participate in local events, sponsor community activities, and collaborate with nearby businesses. Building a strong local presence can foster trust and attract new patients.

Self-Liquidating Offers

What are Self-Liquidating Offers?

Self-liquidating offers are promotions designed to cover their own costs. For example, offering a discounted initial consultation or teeth cleaning for new patients. The goal is to acquire new patients at no net cost to the practice, who may then opt for higher-margin treatments in the future.

Benefits of Self-Liquidating Offers

  1. High Patient Acquisition Costs: Acquiring new patients can be expensive due to marketing costs. Self-liquidating offers can mitigate these costs by generating revenue upfront.
  2. Building Trust: Offering a low-cost entry point can reduce the perceived risk for potential patients, making them more likely to try your services.
  3. Upselling Opportunities: Once patients are in the door, there are opportunities to upsell them on additional services, leading to higher lifetime value.

Example of Self-Liquidating Offer: Whitening Kit Subscription

Another effective self-liquidating offer is selling a whitening kit subscription through online ads. Here’s how it works:

  • Online Advertising: Run targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google, promoting a professional teeth whitening kit.
  • Subscription Model: Offer the whitening kit as a subscription service, where patients receive a new kit every three months.
  • Cost Coverage: Price the whitening kit subscription so that the revenue generated from purchases covers the ad spend. For example, if the ad spend is $500 per month, ensure that the sales from the whitening kits generate at least $500 in revenue.

This approach not only covers the cost of acquiring new patients but also introduces them to your practice, where they may seek additional services.

Creating and Scaling a Patient Membership Plan

What is a Patient Membership Plan?

A patient membership plan is a subscription-based service where patients pay a monthly or annual fee for routine dental care services such as cleanings, exams, and x-rays. These plans often include discounts on other treatments.

Benefits of Patient Membership Plans

  1. Predictable Revenue: Membership plans provide a steady stream of income, helping to smooth out cash flow fluctuations.
  2. Increased Patient Loyalty: Patients are more likely to return regularly if they are part of a membership plan, improving retention rates.
  3. Access to Uninsured Patients: These plans can attract patients without dental insurance who are looking for affordable care options.

How to Implement a Patient Membership Plan

  1. Define the Services Included: Determine what routine services will be covered and any discounts on additional treatments.
  2. Set Pricing: Establish competitive pricing that reflects the value offered while ensuring profitability.
  3. Promote the Plan: Use your website, social media, and in-office materials to promote the membership plan to current and prospective patients.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of your membership plan and make adjustments based on patient feedback and financial outcomes.

Dr. Sarah’s Transformation: From Struggling to Thriving

Meet Dr. Sarah, a dentist with a vision. Dr. Sarah always believed in providing top-notch care to her patients, but she was constantly bogged down by the low reimbursement rates from PPOs. She wanted to offer better services without feeling the financial strain. That’s when she discovered The BoomCloud™ Software and launched a patient membership program that changed her practice forever.

The Launch of the Membership Program

With The BoomCloud™ Software, Dr. Sarah was able to design a patient membership program that offered comprehensive dental care for just $40 a month. The program included bi-annual cleanings, exams, x-rays, and significant discounts on other treatments. It was a no-brainer for her patients, who loved the simplicity and value it provided.

The Astonishing Growth

In just a few months, Dr. Sarah signed up over 1,200 members. Let’s break down the numbers:

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): $48,000
  • Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR): $576,000

This steady stream of predictable income not only stabilized her cash flow but also allowed her to invest in state-of-the-art equipment and training for her staff.

Patient Love for Membership Plans

Patients adored the membership plan. It offered them an affordable, hassle-free way to maintain their oral health without worrying about unexpected costs. They felt a stronger connection to the practice, knowing they were part of an exclusive program designed with their best interests in mind.

Reducing Dependence on PPOs

With the significant increase in revenue from the membership plan, Dr. Sarah gradually started to reduce her dependence on PPOs. This transition allowed her to offer higher quality care without the financial constraints imposed by insurance companies. Her practice was now thriving, with happier patients and a more motivated team.

Growing a dental practice requires a multifaceted approach that includes effective marketing strategies, innovative patient acquisition methods, expanding service offerings, and optimizing revenue. By focusing on these areas, dental practices can attract new patients, retain existing ones, and achieve sustainable growth. Remember, the keyword “How to Grow a Dental Practice” should guide your efforts, ensuring that every strategy implemented aligns with the ultimate goal of practice expansion and patient retention. With dedication and strategic planning, your dental practice can thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Unlock Your Practice’s Potential

Dr. Sarah’s success story can be your story too. Discover the secrets to building a million-dollar membership plan with our exclusive ebook, “The Million Dollar Membership Plan.” This comprehensive guide will walk you through every step of creating and scaling a patient membership program, just like Dr. Sarah did. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your practice.

Download your FREE copy of “The Million Dollar Membership Plan” now and start your journey towards a thriving dental practice. Hurry, this offer won’t last long!

Expanding Service Offerings

Botox and Other Non-Insurance Services

Benefits of Offering Botox and Similar Services

  1. Attracting New Patients: Offering Botox can attract patients interested in cosmetic enhancements, many of whom may become regular dental patients.
  2. Increasing Revenue: Non-insurance services often have higher profit margins, contributing to overall practice profitability.
  3. Differentiation: Providing unique services can set your practice apart from competitors.

Other Potential Services

  • Teeth Whitening: A popular cosmetic treatment that can be offered as a regular or subscription service.
  • Orthodontics: Including Invisalign or other orthodontic solutions can appeal to both teens and adults.
  • Sleep Apnea Treatment: Dental appliances for sleep apnea can attract patients seeking non-surgical solutions.

Cutting Out PPOs and Increasing Average Revenue Per Patient

The Challenges of PPOs

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) often require dentists to accept reduced fees, which can squeeze profit margins and impact the quality of care. Transitioning away from PPOs can help increase the average revenue per patient.

Benefits of Cutting Out PPOs

  1. Higher Profit Margins: By not relying on PPOs, you can set your fees at a level that reflects the quality of care provided.
  2. Enhanced Patient Experience: Without the constraints of PPOs, you can spend more time with each patient, improving their overall experience and satisfaction.
  3. Financial Stability: Higher revenue per patient contributes to greater financial stability and the ability to invest in practice improvements and staff training.

Strategies for Transitioning Away from PPOs

  1. Communicate with Patients: Clearly explain the reasons for the change and how it will benefit them, such as more personalized care and less rushed appointments.
  2. Implement In-House Financing: Offer flexible payment plans to make dental care more affordable for patients without insurance.
  3. Focus on Quality and Service: Highlight the exceptional quality of care and services your practice offers to justify the higher fees.

Measuring and Increasing Average Revenue Per Patient

Why Average Revenue Per Patient is Critical

Average revenue per patient (ARPP) is a key metric for practice growth. It measures the total revenue generated from each patient over a specific period. Increasing ARPP can significantly impact overall profitability and sustainability.

Strategies to Increase ARPP

  1. Upsell Additional Services: Train your staff to identify opportunities for recommending additional treatments that benefit the patient.
  2. Implement a Recall System: Ensure patients return for regular check-ups and cleanings by using automated reminders and follow-up calls.
  3. Patient Education: Educate patients about the benefits of comprehensive oral care and preventive treatments.
  4. Offer High-Value Treatments: Introduce high-value services such as dental implants, veneers, and full-mouth reconstructions.


Growing a dental practice requires a multifaceted approach that includes effective marketing strategies, innovative patient acquisition methods, expanding service offerings, and optimizing revenue. By focusing on these areas, dental practices can attract new patients, retain existing ones, and achieve sustainable growth. Remember, the keyword “How to Grow a Dental Practice” should guide your efforts, ensuring that every strategy implemented aligns with the ultimate goal of practice expansion and patient retention. With dedication and strategic planning, your dental practice can thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Download "The Million Dollar Membership Plan" E-book!

Learn tactics and strategies from practices that have built a million dollars in recurring revenue from their membership subscriptions alone! Creating a patient membership plan is the smartest strategy to implment in your practice. You will increase patient satisfaction & loyalty, Increase predictable recurring revenue & improve your case acceptence by 3X with members. Download the book Now!