
Grow your membership program with Google Search

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There are many ways to grow your dental membership program. I recommend choosing multiple marketing channels like direct mails and SEO as well as word of mouth and other forms of offline and online marketing.

I recently was talking to Penny Reed from The Dental Coaching Insitute on my podcast about ways to grow a dental membership program(You can listen to it here – http://saynotoppos.com/2019/11/19/135-how-to-attract-new-patients-to-your-dental-membership-program/). She spoke about creating mico sites or landing pages about your membership program and placing ads and organic content for people in your local area searching for dental insurance. I thought this idea was genius and I think that every practice should make this a part of their growth strategy before it gets too competitive.

People searching for dental insurance

According to Uber Suggest, a keyword tool that helps businesses research keywords for the search engines. Approximatley 165,000 per month or 1,980,000 per year are from people searching for dental insurance. I think it is important to note that not too many patients know about dental membership programs and most patients still they they absolutely need dental insurance to see the dentist. This, of course, is not true and I think practices should do a better job of educating their patients.

Search term: Dental insurance

Search engines now search based on the IP address or the local address from the searcher. This means that the search engines favor local content. By creating a landing page and directing traffic from the search results for people that are looking for dental insurance allows you to educate your local market on the benefits of a membership program. Let’s look at some other terms that you can use in your local market.

This is interesting as most seniors or retirees lose their dental benefits. More and more patients are searching for dental benefits for seniors. As they age they need more oral care. Patients in this demographic don’t realize that practices can offer dental membership program as an alternative. This can create a lot of organic opportunities for your practice if you focus on creating valuable content and google search ads that help patients learn about your dental membership program.

Another option is to create ads and content landing pages for local and state searches. You can say something like this: Don’t have “dental insurance” in Texas? Learn about our dental membership program. My point is that there are many ways to siphon traffic from people searching for dental insurance and educate them about the benefits of joining your dental membership program.


If you are just getting started with your membership program I highly recommend you download my Ultimate Starter Guide to help you create and grow your dental membership program. If you want to start a membership program and don’t want to deal with the hassles of managing a membership program manually, schedule a demo and learn how BoomCloud can help your practice create and automate a dental membership program.

Download "The Million Dollar Membership Plan" E-book!

Learn tactics and strategies from practices that have built a million dollars in recurring revenue from their membership subscriptions alone! Creating a patient membership plan is the smartest strategy to implment in your practice. You will increase patient satisfaction & loyalty, Increase predictable recurring revenue & improve your case acceptence by 3X with members. Download the book Now!