
Gratitude and Thanksgiving: Celebrating BoomCloud’s Customer-Funded Journey

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As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s a time of reflection, gratitude, and celebrating the journey that brought us to where we are today. At BoomCloud, this season of thankfulness holds even greater significance as we look back at our humble beginnings, the incredible strides we’ve made, and the unwavering support of our customers and employees who have been the bedrock of our success.

A Journey of Gratitude and Resilience:

BoomCloud’s story is one of determination and gratitude. Born from a seed of an idea and nurtured with unwavering dedication from our founder Jordon Comstock, our company’s journey has been characterized by resilience, innovation, and most importantly, the trust and support of our customers. Jordon had the idea of BoomCloud while managing his father’s dental lab in 2015. He left his stable job at the dental lab to focus on building BoomCloud. Bootstrapping BoomCloud in the early days was a difficult task, he almost lost his home but eventually launched BoomCloud and started generating revenue and skyrocketed to success.

A Customer-Funded Foundation:

We take immense pride in being a customer-funded company—a testament to the belief our customers have shown in our vision. Without their support, encouragement, and invaluable feedback, we wouldn’t have been able to evolve our product, refine our services, and grow as a company.

The Role of Our Employees:

Our journey wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our incredible team. They’ve been the driving force behind our growth, pouring their passion into every aspect of our company and product. Their commitment and unwavering belief in our mission have been instrumental in our success.

Gratitude for the Journey:

As we gather around tables laden with warmth and joy this Thanksgiving, we extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every customer who has been a part of our journey. Your trust and support have been our guiding light, fueling our passion for innovation and excellence.

A Thanksgiving of Appreciation:

This Thanksgiving, we express our deepest gratitude to our customers and employees who have believed in us, supported us, and been an integral part of our growth story. You’ve not only been patrons but also partners in our success, and for that, we are immensely grateful.

Looking Ahead with Grateful Hearts:

As we savor the spirit of Thanksgiving, we commit ourselves to continue evolving, innovating, and providing solutions that exceed expectations. We pledge to remain customer-centric, valuing your feedback and striving to make a difference in your lives through our services and products.

Conclusion: A Heartfelt Thanksgiving from BoomCloud:

In this season of gratitude and giving thanks, BoomCloud extends its warmest wishes to our valued customers and dedicated employees. Your unwavering support, trust, and dedication are the pillars of our success. From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s to a future filled with shared successes, growth, and continued partnership in making a difference together.

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