
Grass Valley Smiles Case Study – Surviving During COVID-19 – Sharon Ford

Fire The PPOs With These Proven Strategies!

Discover how to break free from the grip of PPOs and transform your practice into a thriving, profitable business. Imagine better cash flow, higher profits, and stronger patient relationships. It’s not a dream – it’s a reality waiting for you.

Say goodbye to PPOs and hello to a thriving, independent dental practice. Don’t miss out – your journey to financial freedom starts here!

P.S. Never worry about PPO restrictions again. Get your free eBook now and unlock the secret to a prosperous dental practice! The time to act is NOW!


Executive Summary

We needed a program to better manage and automate our company. BoomCloud has definitely kept us organized while providing a steady residual extra income for our company. 

How Have You Survived During COVID-19? 

Slammed! We have had 400 patients reschedule hygiene appointments. Precautions are set in place so a little different than before. A few elderly are not coming in which is respected.  Every one has been on board to keep hygiene safe and clean. 

How Do You Plan to Recover from COVID 19?

We came back May 18, so it has been a very busy 2 months. We are spending most of our time currently busy answering phones organizing health needs and rescheduling appointments – catching up. 

What are Your Favorite Features in BoomCloud?

How easy it is to sign people up! Very quick and easy to sign up patients and not super involved. 

Also love the payment plans. Monthly or yearly financial arrangements. 

What Have you Done to Expand Your Membership Program

BoomCloud is listed on our website

-We tell patients about it when they come in

-Spoken about when we make phone calls

-Brochures in every room 

-Hygienists share with every patient 

We have a huddle every morning

-Do our research – do chart reviews who doesn’t have insurance and reach out to them

Goals for Expanding Your Membership Program  

We offer VIPS that don’t have insurance benefits a marketing reward program to keep current with hygiene and 15% off services to show loyalty. Patients love this and most will sign up when they hear about these amazing benefits. Keep doing what we’re doing.  Goal to get 40 new members a month. 

Examples of Patients Lives Being Improved 

They can afford the care they need on the membership program and get treatments they otherwise would not be able to receive. 

Really a plus for those patients that don’t have insurance benefits. This program allows for the same benefits to be available for those without insurance and without paying out of pocket. Especially great now during COVID-19 saving money for so many. A lot of patients are on unemployment, seniors with lack of funds, this definitely helps so much. 

How a Membership Plan Has Changed our Practice 

It has been great! Patients that don’t have dental benefits love BoomCloud! Same for our practice. Have almost 100 patients in 2 months. It has improved our loyalty with our patients. Extra revenue isn’t bad either!

If you have any questions how you can create extra revenue for your dental practice, visit BoomCloud today and one of our team members can answer any questions!

Download "The Million Dollar Membership Plan" E-book!

Learn tactics and strategies from practices that have built a million dollars in recurring revenue from their membership subscriptions alone! Creating a patient membership plan is the smartest strategy to implment in your practice. You will increase patient satisfaction & loyalty, Increase predictable recurring revenue & improve your case acceptence by 3X with members. Download the book Now!