
143: Financing Practice Needs During A Shutdown

Fire The PPOs With These Proven Strategies!

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At a time when the news is not so positive Ben and Jordon feel obligated to share good news with the public. Financial Institutions and the Federal Government have been working around the clock to find ways to keep small businesses afloat. Today we introduce you to Bob Affleck and Mike Sissel, both of whom are in experts with business and practice financing.

Bob shares key tips on working with your current lenders (practice, home, auto…etc) in creating financial payment terms or modification to current loan payment structures to help you reduce the amount of operating cash that could leave your bank account over the next several weeks or months. Bob also talks above resources found on sba.gov and sba.gov/disaster where small business owners can apply for disaster relief or SBA loans to cover your business cost while you are closed. Here are a number of other financing resources Bob recommends:

Working Capital loans of up to @250,000 through BHG. Contact Carrie Gruebele www.bhg-inc.com/carrieg Call954-547-5220 954-547-5220.

SBA Disaster Assistance Program- SBA.gov

Checkout Bob’s Podcast page at nextlevelpractice.com/podcast/.

Mike works for an SBA lender that is now guaranteeing a minimum of $100K in financing to small businesses. The loan application requirements have been relaxed for this emergency period where business owners are going to need financial assistance and relief to survive this short term and temporary economic crisis. While applicants can apply for more than $100K, every business owner immediate qualifies for the minimum financing option.

If you wish to connect with these gentlemen directly please contact each of them at the following emails and phone numbers:

Bob Affleck

Email: bob.affleck67@gmail.com

Call949-939-4550 949-939-4550

Mike Sissel: mike@abovecompanies.com

To contact our hosts please email Ben at ben.tuinei@gmail.com and Jordon at boomcloudapps@gmail.com.

The post 143: Financing Practice Needs During A Shutdown appeared first on Say No To PPOs.

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