
Increase Case Acceptance, Create Passive Income and Decrease Patient Attrition – Mark Costes and Jordon Comstock

Fire The PPOs With These Proven Strategies!

Discover how to break free from the grip of PPOs and transform your practice into a thriving, profitable business. Imagine better cash flow, higher profits, and stronger patient relationships. It’s not a dream – it’s a reality waiting for you.

Say goodbye to PPOs and hello to a thriving, independent dental practice. Don’t miss out – your journey to financial freedom starts here!

P.S. Never worry about PPO restrictions again. Get your free eBook now and unlock the secret to a prosperous dental practice! The time to act is NOW!

Jordon Comstock guested appeared on our friend, Mark Costes’ podcast show for the second time! Mark has been a huge supporter of our company and we are thrilled to be on his show again and have his support!

In this episode Mark and Jordon Talk about the following:

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most profoundly effective.

If you’re not offering in-office membership and savings plans in your practice you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

In this episode of the Dentalpreneur Podcast, I interview Jordon Comstock, founder of BoomCloudApps.com and the co-host of the Navigating Dental Insurance Podcast.

During our chat, we discuss:

  • How to integrate in-office membership plans to increase revenue and decrease attrition in your dental practice
  • The best resources for ensuring that your plan is in compliance with state regulations
  • The do-it-yourself steps to creating your own plan
  • How to delegate out the creation and administration of your plan

Listen to the podcast


164: Increase Case Acceptance, Create Passive Income and Decrease Patient Attrition

Download "The Million Dollar Membership Plan" E-book!

Learn tactics and strategies from practices that have built a million dollars in recurring revenue from their membership subscriptions alone! Creating a patient membership plan is the smartest strategy to implment in your practice. You will increase patient satisfaction & loyalty, Increase predictable recurring revenue & improve your case acceptence by 3X with members. Download the book Now!