BoomCloud Case Study & Webinar

Learn how to generate over $100,000/yr from your membership program!

In this webinar Dr. Brady Frank & Jordon Comstock discuss strategies on how to grow your membership program and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in predictable recurring revenue.

Total Members

Yearly Revenue

Months with BoomCloud

Quick Story


Dr. Brady Frank signed up for BoomCloud 3 months ago after he was referred to us by Dr. Christopher Phelps. Their office has never had a membership program and they started it from scratch.

Brady and his team started an external marketing campaign to attract new patients to their new in-house membership program. They used the direct mail marketing channel and created post cards that educated patients about their membership program. Within three months time Dr. Frank’s team was able to sign up over 400 patients to their program giving them a yearly predictable revenue stream of over $100,000/yr. Their team is still growning the program and they have a goal set to reach over 5,000 patients resulting in an annual recurring revenue of over $1 million.