
Are you ready to take your practice to the next level?

BoomCloud helps your practice attract and retain uninsured (FFS) patients, reduce your dependence on dental insurance, increase profit margins, increase your case acceptence and generate recurring revenue.

Dustin Rock – Account Executive

Book a live Demo with one of our dedicated reps for AADOM members. Dustin will show you the software and educate you on the best practices for creating a successsful membership program. 

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Welcome AADOM Members!


Schedule a demo  to learn more about how BoomCloud can help your practice create, organzie and automate an in-house membership program for your dental practice!

Take a Quick Tour


Track important metrics like recurring revenue, churn rate, new enrollments and understand the health of your membership program.

Plan Builder

Customize unlimited plans and attract more patients to your practice.

Member Management

Automate payments, add and track unlimited members, analyze payment history and patient management.

Contract Management

Organize your legal agreements with your member patients and keep them in a secure location.

Benefit Tracking

Easily track patient benefits to keep your practice organized and ensure your patients recieve the care they need.

Website Integration

Integrate BoomCloud with your website so patients can sign up online.

Payment Plans

Create automated payment plans for patients who can’t pay their bill in full and collect interest.

Regulation Management

Our software will educate your practice on any known regulations in your state so your practice is compliant.